Tuesday 28 January 2014

26/8/2006 MySpace Bulletins - do not read this if you are of a sensitive nature.

SubjectBulletins - do not read this if you are of a sensitive nature.
DateCreated8/26/2006 3:07:00 PM
PostedDate8/26/2006 2:29:00 PM

[rant] It's Saturday night and I'm staying in trying to catch up on stuff. I've been out at gigs four of the last five nights and I've just been wading through 18 fucking pages of bulletins to make sure I haven't missed anything important this week. So did I? Did I fuck! 

And no - I didn't read 18 pages of bulletins - I only read the ones which looked like they might actually be of some use or interest to me. Even just doing that took ages.  Certain people's bulletins I never read anymore...

Do all these people have nothing better to do than waste other people's time just because they are bored?  Deal with it. Do something about it, go out, get a life, start a a band. Can't play an instrument? Well learn - that will give you something to do. Of course the other type of person who pisses me off with this shit is the person who posts several bulletins a day pushing their own band/event. We probably  already know about it thanks, and if we don't then telling us once and possibly gently reminding us once later if you really need to will suffice. When I have a clearout of my 'Friends' list and start deleting people, can you guess which sort of people/bands will be first for the chop? 

The 'Bulletin' feature on MySpace is now so massively overused and abused that I suspect the vast majority of bulletins go unread by most people - including their target audience. Therefore, the offenders are probably wasting their own time as well as other people's. I know for a fact that quite a few people neverbother to check bulletins anymore - and I can't say I blame them. I may be joining them soon...

Sorry if I have offended anyone, but I suspect the main culprits rarely (if ever) look at my page - let alone read my blogs.  [/rant]

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